Star stabil-air wheelchair cushion is creatively constructed with the ideal balance of a multi-celled air cushion and molded foam that is inside each air cell. The dynamic weight distribution features of a cellular air cushion are further enhanced by the use of foam supporters inserted inside the air cells. Certain air cells with internal support systems can be strengthened and shaped by using foam supporters inside of them. Stabil-air provides exceptional, cutting-edge assistance.
Single compartment with concealed stability:
The air cells adapt to the body structure and follow the user´s smallest movement without compressing the tissue. This can aid blood circulation. Perfect for users with low activity level.
Immersion and envelopment:
The soft foam cylinders contain a considerable amount of air and allow the user to immerse into the cushion to obtain the best envelopment.
Pressure redistribution:
The air cell formability ensures very good pressure redistribution properties. They adapt to the body structure and minimize the risk of tissue deformation. Perfect for prevention and care of pressure ulcers.
Easy handling:
One compartment entails only one valve adjustment. The Stabil-Air cushion is an ideal combination of easy handling and stability, which can improve sitting tolerance over time.